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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Google Sidewiki: A tool to help and learn from other users

Over the years Google has been synonym for Innovation and that's exactly what they did last week by launching a new gadget for online users viz. Google Sidewiki

As Google puts it, Sidewiki is a tool using which users can help and learn from other users as they browse the web. You and me visit tens and hundreds of web pages everyday and so do many other users across the globe who look for the same piece of information. In the process we would have come across many websites and blogs to which a small bit of additional information would have helped others users too. Google Sidewiki has been built around this very concept. If you have something to share about a website just pull on your Sidewiki installed on your browser as a sidebar and put your comment. This comment would be visible to anyone who visits that website or any other website carrying the same information. For example, an entry on a speech by President Barack Obama will appear on all webpages that include the same quote.

It is important to note that the entries in Sidewiki are not arranged in order recency but in order of relevancy. To achieve the same Google ranks Sidewiki entries using an algorithm that promotes the most useful, high-quality entries. It takes into account feedback from you and other users, previous entries made by the same author and many other signals we developed.

Google Sidewiki is released as a feature of Google Toolbar (for Firefox and Internet Explorer) and will soon be out for Google Chrome too.

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